A World Without Photosynthesis!


Process of photosynthesis

1. The chlorophyll in the cells of the plants absorbs light from the sun. 
2. The sun's engry splits the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

3. The hydrogen joins with carbon dioxide to make sugar (food).

4. The sugar is carried to other parts of the plant.The extra oxygen is released into the air.

The important of photosynthesis

1. People and plants are dependent on  each other in sustaining life.

2. Photosynthesis provides us with most of oxygen we need in order to breathe.

3. Photosynthesis is considered the ultimate source of life for nearly all plants and animals by providing the source of energy that drives all their metabolic process.

How will affect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis.

1.  What  will happen to the plants?

The plants will die.

2.What will happen to the animals? 
There will not be enough oxygen for the animals. There will not be enoughvcplants for herbivores to eat. The herbivores will die eventually.Carnivores will also die because the herbivores are dead.

3.  Tiger --> Zebra--> grass/plants.